Employment Opportunities
Creating jobs close to home is a strong focus for the Sahuarita Farms Land/River Master Plan and Guiding Principle #2. There are more than 1,100 acres specifically designated for employment uses. The types of employment include campus park industrial, , a major employment campus, and mixed-use activity centers, which offer retail uses and professional offices with live/work opportunities. Employment is designed to complement the other uses in the other areas of the plan. This facilitates the ability to work close to home and the promotion of local jobs and small business opportunities within the community.
We recognize how important local jobs and economic development are for community success. Attracting new companies and retaining existing employers takes the collective effort of the entire community, all working together to define marketing strategies, policies and programs to compete and win. Having a strong master plan with plenty of land available for employment provides one of the tools necessary to attract employers to the area.
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